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Bases: IcebergBaseModel

PartitionField represents how one partition value is derived from the source column via transformation.


Name Type Description

The source column id of table's schema.


The partition field id across all the table partition specs.


The transform used to produce partition values from source column.


The name of this partition field.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class PartitionField(IcebergBaseModel):
    """PartitionField represents how one partition value is derived from the source column via transformation.

        source_id(int): The source column id of table's schema.
        field_id(int): The partition field id across all the table partition specs.
        transform(Transform): The transform used to produce partition values from source column.
        name(str): The name of this partition field.

    source_id: int = Field(alias="source-id")
    field_id: int = Field(alias="field-id")
    transform: Annotated[  # type: ignore
        PlainSerializer(lambda c: str(c), return_type=str),  # pylint: disable=W0108
        WithJsonSchema({"type": "string"}, mode="serialization"),
    ] = Field()
    name: str = Field()

    def __init__(
        source_id: Optional[int] = None,
        field_id: Optional[int] = None,
        transform: Optional[Transform[Any, Any]] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        **data: Any,
        if source_id is not None:
            data["source-id"] = source_id
        if field_id is not None:
            data["field-id"] = field_id
        if transform is not None:
            data["transform"] = transform
        if name is not None:
            data["name"] = name


    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Return the string representation of the PartitionField class."""
        return f"{self.field_id}: {}: {self.transform}({self.source_id})"


Return the string representation of the PartitionField class.

Source code in pyiceberg/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Return the string representation of the PartitionField class."""
    return f"{self.field_id}: {}: {self.transform}({self.source_id})"


Bases: IcebergBaseModel

PartitionSpec captures the transformation from table data to partition values.


Name Type Description

any change to PartitionSpec will produce a new specId.


list of partition fields to produce partition values.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class PartitionSpec(IcebergBaseModel):
    PartitionSpec captures the transformation from table data to partition values.

        spec_id(int): any change to PartitionSpec will produce a new specId.
        fields(Tuple[PartitionField): list of partition fields to produce partition values.

    spec_id: int = Field(alias="spec-id", default=INITIAL_PARTITION_SPEC_ID)
    fields: Tuple[PartitionField, ...] = Field(default_factory=tuple)

    def __init__(
        *fields: PartitionField,
        **data: Any,
        if fields:
            data["fields"] = tuple(fields)

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        Produce a boolean to return True if two objects are considered equal.

            Equality of PartitionSpec is determined by spec_id and partition fields only.
        if not isinstance(other, PartitionSpec):
            return False
        return self.spec_id == other.spec_id and self.fields == other.fields

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Produce a human-readable string representation of PartitionSpec.

            Only include list of partition fields in the PartitionSpec's string representation.
        result_str = "["
        if self.fields:
            result_str += "\n  " + "\n  ".join([str(field) for field in self.fields]) + "\n"
        result_str += "]"
        return result_str

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return the string representation of the PartitionSpec class."""
        fields = f"{', '.join(repr(column) for column in self.fields)}, " if self.fields else ""
        return f"PartitionSpec({fields}spec_id={self.spec_id})"

    def is_unpartitioned(self) -> bool:
        return not self.fields

    def last_assigned_field_id(self) -> int:
        if self.fields:
            return max(pf.field_id for pf in self.fields)

    def source_id_to_fields_map(self) -> Dict[int, List[PartitionField]]:
        source_id_to_fields_map: Dict[int, List[PartitionField]] = {}
        for partition_field in self.fields:
            existing = source_id_to_fields_map.get(partition_field.source_id, [])
            source_id_to_fields_map[partition_field.source_id] = existing
        return source_id_to_fields_map

    def fields_by_source_id(self, field_id: int) -> List[PartitionField]:
        return self.source_id_to_fields_map.get(field_id, [])

    def compatible_with(self, other: PartitionSpec) -> bool:
        """Produce a boolean to return True if two PartitionSpec are considered compatible."""
        if self == other:
            return True
        if len(self.fields) != len(other.fields):
            return False
        return all(
            this_field.source_id == that_field.source_id
            and this_field.transform == that_field.transform
            and ==
            for this_field, that_field in zip(self.fields, other.fields)

    def partition_type(self, schema: Schema) -> StructType:
        """Produce a struct of the PartitionSpec.

        The partition fields should be optional:

        - All partition transforms are required to produce null if the input value is null, so it can
          happen when the source column is optional.
        - Partition fields may be added later, in which case not all files would have the result field,
          and it may be null.

        There is a case where we can guarantee that a partition field in the first and only partition spec
        that uses a required source column will never be null, but it doesn't seem worth tracking this case.

        :param schema: The schema to bind to.
        :return: A StructType that represents the PartitionSpec, with a NestedField for each PartitionField.
        nested_fields = []
        for field in self.fields:
            source_type = schema.find_type(field.source_id)
            result_type = field.transform.result_type(source_type)
            nested_fields.append(NestedField(field.field_id,, result_type, required=False))
        return StructType(*nested_fields)


Produce a boolean to return True if two objects are considered equal.


Equality of PartitionSpec is determined by spec_id and partition fields only.

Source code in pyiceberg/
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
    Produce a boolean to return True if two objects are considered equal.

        Equality of PartitionSpec is determined by spec_id and partition fields only.
    if not isinstance(other, PartitionSpec):
        return False
    return self.spec_id == other.spec_id and self.fields == other.fields


Return the string representation of the PartitionSpec class.

Source code in pyiceberg/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return the string representation of the PartitionSpec class."""
    fields = f"{', '.join(repr(column) for column in self.fields)}, " if self.fields else ""
    return f"PartitionSpec({fields}spec_id={self.spec_id})"


Produce a human-readable string representation of PartitionSpec.


Only include list of partition fields in the PartitionSpec's string representation.

Source code in pyiceberg/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    Produce a human-readable string representation of PartitionSpec.

        Only include list of partition fields in the PartitionSpec's string representation.
    result_str = "["
    if self.fields:
        result_str += "\n  " + "\n  ".join([str(field) for field in self.fields]) + "\n"
    result_str += "]"
    return result_str


Produce a boolean to return True if two PartitionSpec are considered compatible.

Source code in pyiceberg/
def compatible_with(self, other: PartitionSpec) -> bool:
    """Produce a boolean to return True if two PartitionSpec are considered compatible."""
    if self == other:
        return True
    if len(self.fields) != len(other.fields):
        return False
    return all(
        this_field.source_id == that_field.source_id
        and this_field.transform == that_field.transform
        and ==
        for this_field, that_field in zip(self.fields, other.fields)


Produce a struct of the PartitionSpec.

The partition fields should be optional:

  • All partition transforms are required to produce null if the input value is null, so it can happen when the source column is optional.
  • Partition fields may be added later, in which case not all files would have the result field, and it may be null.

There is a case where we can guarantee that a partition field in the first and only partition spec that uses a required source column will never be null, but it doesn't seem worth tracking this case.

:param schema: The schema to bind to. :return: A StructType that represents the PartitionSpec, with a NestedField for each PartitionField.

Source code in pyiceberg/
def partition_type(self, schema: Schema) -> StructType:
    """Produce a struct of the PartitionSpec.

    The partition fields should be optional:

    - All partition transforms are required to produce null if the input value is null, so it can
      happen when the source column is optional.
    - Partition fields may be added later, in which case not all files would have the result field,
      and it may be null.

    There is a case where we can guarantee that a partition field in the first and only partition spec
    that uses a required source column will never be null, but it doesn't seem worth tracking this case.

    :param schema: The schema to bind to.
    :return: A StructType that represents the PartitionSpec, with a NestedField for each PartitionField.
    nested_fields = []
    for field in self.fields:
        source_type = schema.find_type(field.source_id)
        result_type = field.transform.result_type(source_type)
        nested_fields.append(NestedField(field.field_id,, result_type, required=False))
    return StructType(*nested_fields)