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Utility module for various conversions around PrimitiveType implementations.

This module enables
  • Converting partition strings to built-in python objects.
  • Converting a value to a byte buffer.
  • Converting a byte buffer to a value.

Conversion logic varies based on the PrimitiveType implementation. Therefore conversion functions are defined here as generic functions using the @singledispatch decorator. For each PrimitiveType implementation, a concrete function is registered for each generic conversion function. For PrimitiveType implementations that share the same conversion logic, registrations can be stacked.

from_bytes(primitive_type, b)

Convert bytes to a built-in python value.


Name Type Description Default
primitive_type PrimitiveType

An implementation of the PrimitiveType base class.

b bytes

The bytes to convert.

Source code in pyiceberg/
def from_bytes(primitive_type: PrimitiveType, b: bytes) -> L:  # type: ignore
    """Convert bytes to a built-in python value.

        primitive_type (PrimitiveType): An implementation of the PrimitiveType base class.
        b (bytes): The bytes to convert.
    raise TypeError(f"Cannot deserialize bytes, type {primitive_type} not supported: {str(b)}")


Handle cases where partition values are None or "HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION".


Name Type Description Default
func Callable

A function registered to the singledispatch function partition_to_py.

Source code in pyiceberg/
def handle_none(func: Callable) -> Callable:  # type: ignore
    """Handle cases where partition values are `None` or "__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__".

        func (Callable): A function registered to the singledispatch function `partition_to_py`.

    def wrapper(primitive_type: PrimitiveType, value_str: Optional[str]) -> Any:
        if value_str is None:
            return None
        elif value_str == "__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__":
            return None
        return func(primitive_type, value_str)

    return wrapper

partition_to_py(primitive_type, value_str)

Convert a partition string to a python built-in.


Name Type Description Default
primitive_type PrimitiveType

An implementation of the PrimitiveType base class.

value_str str

A string representation of a partition value.

Source code in pyiceberg/
def partition_to_py(primitive_type: PrimitiveType, value_str: str) -> Union[int, float, str, uuid.UUID, bytes, Decimal]:
    """Convert a partition string to a python built-in.

        primitive_type (PrimitiveType): An implementation of the PrimitiveType base class.
        value_str (str): A string representation of a partition value.
    raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert '{value_str}' to unsupported type: {primitive_type}")

to_bytes(primitive_type, _)

Convert a built-in python value to bytes.

This conversion follows the serialization scheme for storing single values as individual binary values defined in the Iceberg specification that can be found at


Name Type Description Default
primitive_type PrimitiveType

An implementation of the PrimitiveType base class.

_ Union[bool, bytes, Decimal, date, datetime, float, int, str, time, UUID]

The value to convert to bytes (The type of this value depends on which dispatched function is used--check dispatchable functions for type hints).

Source code in pyiceberg/
def to_bytes(
    primitive_type: PrimitiveType, _: Union[bool, bytes, Decimal, date, datetime, float, int, str, time, uuid.UUID]
) -> bytes:
    """Convert a built-in python value to bytes.

    This conversion follows the serialization scheme for storing single values as individual binary values defined in the Iceberg specification that
    can be found at

        primitive_type (PrimitiveType): An implementation of the PrimitiveType base class.
        _: The value to convert to bytes (The type of this value depends on which dispatched function is
            used--check dispatchable functions for type hints).
    raise TypeError(f"scale does not match {primitive_type}")