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Bases: RESTError

When the credentials are expired when performing an action on the REST catalog.

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class AuthorizationExpiredError(RESTError):
    """When the credentials are expired when performing an action on the REST catalog."""


Bases: RESTError

Raises when an invalid request is being made.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class BadRequestError(RESTError):
    """Raises when an invalid request is being made."""


Bases: Exception

Commit failed, refresh and try again.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class CommitFailedException(Exception):
    """Commit failed, refresh and try again."""


Bases: RESTError

Commit failed due to unknown reason.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class CommitStateUnknownException(RESTError):
    """Commit failed due to unknown reason."""


Bases: RESTError

Raises when you don't have the credentials to perform the action on the REST catalog.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class ForbiddenError(RESTError):
    """Raises when you don't have the credentials to perform the action on the REST catalog."""


Bases: Exception

Raised when a name-space being created already exists in the catalog.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class NamespaceAlreadyExistsError(Exception):
    """Raised when a name-space being created already exists in the catalog."""


Bases: Exception

Raised when a name-space being dropped is not empty.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class NamespaceNotEmptyError(Exception):
    """Raised when a name-space being dropped is not empty."""


Bases: NoSuchTableError

Raises when the table found in the REST catalog is not an iceberg table.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class NoSuchIcebergTableError(NoSuchTableError):
    """Raises when the table found in the REST catalog is not an iceberg table."""


Bases: Exception

Raised when a referenced name-space is not found.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class NoSuchNamespaceError(Exception):
    """Raised when a referenced name-space is not found."""


Bases: Exception

When a property is missing.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class NoSuchPropertyException(Exception):
    """When a property is missing."""


Bases: Exception

Raises when the table can't be found in the REST catalog.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class NoSuchTableError(Exception):
    """Raises when the table can't be found in the REST catalog."""


Bases: Exception

When an optional dependency is not installed.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class NotInstalledError(Exception):
    """When an optional dependency is not installed."""


Bases: RESTError

Raises when there is an error with the OAuth call.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class OAuthError(RESTError):
    """Raises when there is an error with the OAuth call."""


Bases: Exception

Raises when there is an unknown response from the REST Catalog.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class RESTError(Exception):
    """Raises when there is an unknown response from the REST Catalog."""


Bases: RESTError

Raises when there is an unhandled exception on the server side.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class ServerError(RESTError):
    """Raises when there is an unhandled exception on the server side."""


Bases: RESTError

Raises when the service doesn't respond.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class ServiceUnavailableError(RESTError):
    """Raises when the service doesn't respond."""


Bases: Exception

Raises when unable to sign a S3 request.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class SignError(Exception):
    """Raises when unable to sign a S3 request."""


Bases: Exception

Raised when creating a table with a name that already exists.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class TableAlreadyExistsError(Exception):
    """Raised when creating a table with a name that already exists."""


Bases: RESTError

Raises when you don't have the proper authorization.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class UnauthorizedError(RESTError):
    """Raises when you don't have the proper authorization."""


Bases: Exception

Raises when there is an issue with the schema.

Source code in pyiceberg/
class ValidationError(Exception):
    """Raises when there is an issue with the schema."""