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PyIceberg currently has native support for REST, SQL, Hive, Glue and DynamoDB.

There are three ways to pass in configuration:

  • Using the ~/.pyiceberg.yaml configuration file
  • Through environment variables
  • By passing in credentials through the CLI or the Python API

The configuration file is recommended since that's the easiest way to manage the credentials.

Another option is through environment variables:

export PYICEBERG_CATALOG__DEFAULT__URI=thrift://localhost:9083

The environment variable picked up by Iceberg starts with PYICEBERG_ and then follows the yaml structure below, where a double underscore __ represents a nested field, and the underscore _ is converted into a dash -.

For example, PYICEBERG_CATALOG__DEFAULT__S3__ACCESS_KEY_ID, sets s3.access-key-id on the default catalog.


Iceberg tables support table properties to configure table behavior.

Write options

Key Options Default Description
write.parquet.compression-codec {uncompressed,zstd,gzip,snappy} zstd Sets the Parquet compression coddec.
write.parquet.compression-level Integer null Parquet compression level for the codec. If not set, it is up to PyIceberg Size in bytes 1MB Set a target threshold for the approximate encoded size of data pages within a column chunk Number of rows 20000 Set a target threshold for the approximate encoded size of data pages within a column chunk
write.parquet.dict-size-bytes Size in bytes 2MB Set the dictionary page size limit per row group
write.parquet.row-group-limit Number of rows 122880 The Parquet row group limit


Iceberg works with the concept of a FileIO which is a pluggable module for reading, writing, and deleting files. By default, PyIceberg will try to initialize the FileIO that's suitable for the scheme (s3://, gs://, etc.) and will use the first one that's installed.

  • s3, s3a, s3n: PyArrowFileIO, FsspecFileIO
  • gs: PyArrowFileIO
  • file: PyArrowFileIO
  • hdfs: PyArrowFileIO
  • abfs, abfss: FsspecFileIO

You can also set the FileIO explicitly:

Key Example Description
py-io-impl Sets the FileIO explicitly to an implementation, and will fail explicitly if it can't be loaded

For the FileIO there are several configuration options available:


Key Example Description
s3.endpoint Configure an alternative endpoint of the S3 service for the FileIO to access. This could be used to use S3FileIO with any s3-compatible object storage service that has a different endpoint, or access a private S3 endpoint in a virtual private cloud.
s3.access-key-id admin Configure the static secret access key used to access the FileIO.
s3.secret-access-key password Configure the static session token used to access the FileIO.
s3.signer bearer Configure the signature version of the FileIO.
s3.region us-west-2 Sets the region of the bucket
s3.proxy-uri Configure the proxy server to be used by the FileIO.
s3.connect-timeout 60.0 Configure socket connection timeout, in seconds.


Key Example Description Configure the HDFS host to connect to
hdfs.port 9000 Configure the HDFS port to connect to.
hdfs.user user Configure the HDFS username used for connection.
hdfs.kerberos_ticket kerberos_ticket Configure the path to the Kerberos ticket cache.

Azure Data lake

Key Example Description
adlfs.connection-string AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=Eby8vdM02xNOcqF...;BlobEndpoint=http://localhost/ A connection string. This could be used to use FileIO with any adlfs-compatible object storage service that has a different endpoint (like azurite).
adlfs.account-name devstoreaccount1 The account that you want to connect to
adlfs.account-key Eby8vdM02xNOcqF... The key to authentication against the account. NuHOuuzdQN7VRM%2FOpOeqBlawRCA845IY05h9eu1Yte4%3D The shared access signature
adlfs.tenant-id ad667be4-b811-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002 The tenant-id
adlfs.client-id ad667be4-b811-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002 The client-id
adlfs.client-secret oCA3R6P*ka#oa1Sms2J74z... The client-secret

Google Cloud Storage

Key Example Description
gcs.project-id my-gcp-project Configure Google Cloud Project for GCS FileIO.
gcs.oauth.token ya29.dr.AfM... Configure method authentication to GCS for FileIO. Can be the following, 'google_default', 'cache', 'anon', 'browser', 'cloud'. If not specified your credentials will be resolved in the following order: gcloud CLI default, gcsfs cached token, google compute metadata service, anonymous.
gcs.oauth.token-expires-at 1690971805918 Configure expiration for credential generated with an access token. Milliseconds since epoch
gcs.access read_only Configure client to have specific access. Must be one of 'read_only', 'read_write', or 'full_control'
gcs.consistency md5 Configure the check method when writing files. Must be one of 'none', 'size', or 'md5'
gcs.cache-timeout 60 Configure the cache expiration time in seconds for object metadata cache
gcs.requester-pays False Configure whether to use requester-pays requests
gcs.session-kwargs {} Configure a dict of parameters to pass on to aiohttp.ClientSession; can contain, for example, proxy settings.
gcs.endpoint Configure an alternative endpoint for the GCS FileIO to access (format protocol://host:port) If not given, defaults to the value of environment variable "STORAGE_EMULATOR_HOST"; if that is not set either, will use the standard Google endpoint.
gcs.default-location US Configure the default location where buckets are created, like 'US' or 'EUROPE-WEST3'.
gcs.version-aware False Configure whether to support object versioning on the GCS bucket.

REST Catalog

    uri: http://rest-catalog/ws/
    credential: t-1234:secret

    uri: https://rest-catalog/ws/
        cert: /absolute/path/to/client.crt
        key: /absolute/path/to/client.key
      cabundle: /absolute/path/to/cabundle.pem
Key Example Description
uri https://rest-catalog/ws URI identifying the REST Server
credential t-1234:secret Credential to use for OAuth2 credential flow when initializing the catalog
token FEW23.DFSDF.FSDF Bearer token value to use for Authorization header
rest.sigv4-enabled true Sign requests to the REST Server using AWS SigV4 protocol
rest.signing-region us-east-1 The region to use when SigV4 signing a request
rest.signing-name execute-api The service signing name to use when SigV4 signing a request
rest.authorization-url https://auth-service/cc Authentication URL to use for client credentials authentication (default: uri + 'v1/oauth/tokens')

SQL Catalog

The SQL catalog requires a database for its backend. PyIceberg supports PostgreSQL and SQLite through psycopg2. The database connection has to be configured using the uri property. See SQLAlchemy's documentation for URL format:

For PostgreSQL:

    type: sql
    uri: postgresql+psycopg2://username:password@localhost/mydatabase

In the case of SQLite:

Development only

SQLite is not built for concurrency, you should use this catalog for exploratory or development purposes.

    type: sql
    uri: sqlite:////tmp/pyiceberg.db

Hive Catalog

    uri: thrift://localhost:9083
    s3.endpoint: http://localhost:9000
    s3.access-key-id: admin
    s3.secret-access-key: password

When using Hive 2.x, make sure to set the compatibility flag:

    hive.hive2-compatible: true

Glue Catalog

Your AWS credentials can be passed directly through the Python API. Otherwise, please refer to How to configure AWS credentials to set your AWS account credentials locally. If you did not set up a default AWS profile, you can configure the profile_name.

    type: glue
    aws_access_key_id: <ACCESS_KEY_ID>
    aws_secret_access_key: <SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
    aws_session_token: <SESSION_TOKEN>
    region_name: <REGION_NAME>
    type: glue
    profile_name: <PROFILE_NAME>
    region_name: <REGION_NAME>

DynamoDB Catalog

If you want to use AWS DynamoDB as the catalog, you can use the last two ways to configure the pyiceberg and refer How to configure AWS credentials to set your AWS account credentials locally.

    type: dynamodb
    table-name: iceberg

If you prefer to pass the credentials explicitly to the client instead of relying on environment variables,

    type: dynamodb
    table-name: iceberg
    aws_access_key_id: <ACCESS_KEY_ID>
    aws_secret_access_key: <SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
    aws_session_token: <SESSION_TOKEN>
    region_name: <REGION_NAME>


PyIceberg uses multiple threads to parallelize operations. The number of workers can be configured by supplying a max-workers entry in the configuration file, or by setting the PYICEBERG_MAX_WORKERS environment variable. The default value depends on the system hardware and Python version. See the Python documentation for more details.

Backward Compatibility

Previous versions of Java (<1.4.0) implementations incorrectly assume the optional attribute current-snapshot-id to be a required attribute in TableMetadata. This means that if current-snapshot-id is missing in the metadata file (e.g. on table creation), the application will throw an exception without being able to load the table. This assumption has been corrected in more recent Iceberg versions. However, it is possible to force PyIceberg to create a table with a metadata file that will be compatible with previous versions. This can be configured by setting the legacy-current-snapshot-id entry as "True" in the configuration file, or by setting the LEGACY_CURRENT_SNAPSHOT_ID environment variable. Refer to the PR discussion for more details on the issue