Getting started with PyIceberg¶
PyIceberg is a Python implementation for accessing Iceberg tables, without the need of a JVM.
Before installing PyIceberg, make sure that you're on an up-to-date version of pip
You can install the latest release version from pypi:
You can mix and match optional dependencies depending on your needs:
Key | Description: |
hive | Support for the Hive metastore |
hive-kerberos | Support for Hive metastore in Kerberos environment |
glue | Support for AWS Glue |
dynamodb | Support for AWS DynamoDB |
sql-postgres | Support for SQL Catalog backed by Postgresql |
sql-sqlite | Support for SQL Catalog backed by SQLite |
pyarrow | PyArrow as a FileIO implementation to interact with the object store |
pandas | Installs both PyArrow and Pandas |
duckdb | Installs both PyArrow and DuckDB |
ray | Installs PyArrow, Pandas, and Ray |
daft | Installs Daft |
polars | Installs Polars |
s3fs | S3FS as a FileIO implementation to interact with the object store |
adlfs | ADLFS as a FileIO implementation to interact with the object store |
snappy | Support for snappy Avro compression |
gcsfs | GCSFS as a FileIO implementation to interact with the object store |
rest-sigv4 | Support for generating AWS SIGv4 authentication headers for REST Catalogs |
You either need to install s3fs
, adlfs
, gcsfs
, or pyarrow
to be able to fetch files from an object store.
Connecting to a catalog¶
Iceberg leverages the catalog to have one centralized place to organize the tables. This can be a traditional Hive catalog to store your Iceberg tables next to the rest, a vendor solution like the AWS Glue catalog, or an implementation of Icebergs' own REST protocol. Checkout the configuration page to find all the configuration details.
For the sake of demonstration, we'll configure the catalog to use the SqlCatalog
implementation, which will store information in a local sqlite
database. We'll also configure the catalog to store data files in the local filesystem instead of an object store. This should not be used in production due to the limited scalability.
Create a temporary location for Iceberg:
Open a Python 3 REPL to set up the catalog:
from pyiceberg.catalog import load_catalog
warehouse_path = "/tmp/warehouse"
catalog = load_catalog(
'type': 'sql',
"uri": f"sqlite:///{warehouse_path}/pyiceberg_catalog.db",
"warehouse": f"file://{warehouse_path}",
The sql
catalog works for testing locally without needing another service. If you want to try out another catalog, please check out the configuration.
Write a PyArrow dataframe¶
Let's take the Taxi dataset, and write this to an Iceberg table.
First download one month of data:
curl -o /tmp/yellow_tripdata_2023-01.parquet
Load it into your PyArrow dataframe:
Create a new Iceberg table:
table = catalog.create_table(
Append the dataframe to the table:
3066766 rows have been written to the table.
Now generate a tip-per-mile feature to train the model on:
import pyarrow.compute as pc
df = df.append_column("tip_per_mile", pc.divide(df["tip_amount"], df["trip_distance"]))
Evolve the schema of the table with the new column:
And now we can write the new dataframe to the Iceberg table:
And the new column is there:
1: VendorID: optional long,
2: tpep_pickup_datetime: optional timestamp,
3: tpep_dropoff_datetime: optional timestamp,
4: passenger_count: optional double,
5: trip_distance: optional double,
6: RatecodeID: optional double,
7: store_and_fwd_flag: optional string,
8: PULocationID: optional long,
9: DOLocationID: optional long,
10: payment_type: optional long,
11: fare_amount: optional double,
12: extra: optional double,
13: mta_tax: optional double,
14: tip_amount: optional double,
15: tolls_amount: optional double,
16: improvement_surcharge: optional double,
17: total_amount: optional double,
18: congestion_surcharge: optional double,
19: airport_fee: optional double,
20: tip_per_mile: optional double
And we can see that 2371784 rows have a tip-per-mile:
Explore Iceberg data and metadata files¶
Since the catalog was configured to use the local filesystem, we can explore how Iceberg saved data and metadata files from the above operations.
More details¶
For the details, please check the CLI or Python API page.