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Python API

PyIceberg is based around catalogs to load tables. First step is to instantiate a catalog that loads tables. Let's use the following configuration to define a catalog called prod:

    uri: http://rest-catalog/ws/
    credential: t-1234:secret

Note that multiple catalogs can be defined in the same .pyiceberg.yaml:

    uri: thrift://
    s3.access-key-id: admin
    s3.secret-access-key: password
    uri: https://rest-server:8181/
    warehouse: my-warehouse

and loaded in python by calling load_catalog(name="hive") and load_catalog(name="rest").

This information must be placed inside a file called .pyiceberg.yaml located either in the $HOME or %USERPROFILE% directory (depending on whether the operating system is Unix-based or Windows-based, respectively), in the current working directory, or in the $PYICEBERG_HOME directory (if the corresponding environment variable is set).

For more details on possible configurations refer to the specific page.

Then load the prod catalog:

from pyiceberg.catalog import load_catalog

catalog = load_catalog(
        "uri": "",
        "s3.endpoint": "",
        "py-io-impl": "",
        "s3.access-key-id": "admin",
        "s3.secret-access-key": "password",

Let's create a namespace:


And then list them:

ns = catalog.list_namespaces()

assert ns == [("docs_example",)]

And then list tables in the namespace:


Create a table

To create a table from a catalog:

from pyiceberg.schema import Schema
from pyiceberg.types import (

schema = Schema(
    NestedField(field_id=1, name="datetime", field_type=TimestampType(), required=True),
    NestedField(field_id=2, name="symbol", field_type=StringType(), required=True),
    NestedField(field_id=3, name="bid", field_type=FloatType(), required=False),
    NestedField(field_id=4, name="ask", field_type=DoubleType(), required=False),
                field_id=4, name="created_by", field_type=StringType(), required=False

from pyiceberg.partitioning import PartitionSpec, PartitionField
from pyiceberg.transforms import DayTransform

partition_spec = PartitionSpec(
        source_id=1, field_id=1000, transform=DayTransform(), name="datetime_day"

from pyiceberg.table.sorting import SortOrder, SortField
from pyiceberg.transforms import IdentityTransform

# Sort on the symbol
sort_order = SortOrder(SortField(source_id=2, transform=IdentityTransform()))


When the table is created, all IDs in the schema are re-assigned to ensure uniqueness.

To create a table using a pyarrow schema:

import pyarrow as pa

schema = pa.schema(
        pa.field("foo", pa.string(), nullable=True),
        pa.field("bar", pa.int32(), nullable=False),
        pa.field("baz", pa.bool_(), nullable=True),


To create a table with some subsequent changes atomically in a transaction:

with catalog.create_table_transaction(
) as txn:
    with txn.update_schema() as update_schema:
        update_schema.add_column(path="new_column", field_type=StringType())

    with txn.update_spec() as update_spec:

    txn.set_properties(test_a="test_aa", test_b="test_b", test_c="test_c")

Load a table

Catalog table

Loading the bids table:

table = catalog.load_table("docs_example.bids")
# Equivalent to:
table = catalog.load_table(("docs_example", "bids"))
# The tuple syntax can be used if the namespace or table contains a dot.

This returns a Table that represents an Iceberg table that can be queried and altered.

Static table

To load a table directly from a metadata file (i.e., without using a catalog), you can use a StaticTable as follows:

from pyiceberg.table import StaticTable

static_table = StaticTable.from_metadata(

The static-table is considered read-only.

Check if a table exists

To check whether the bids table exists:


Returns True if the table already exists.

Write support

With PyIceberg 0.6.0 write support is added through Arrow. Let's consider an Arrow Table:

import pyarrow as pa

df = pa.Table.from_pylist(
        {"city": "Amsterdam", "lat": 52.371807, "long": 4.896029},
        {"city": "San Francisco", "lat": 37.773972, "long": -122.431297},
        {"city": "Drachten", "lat": 53.11254, "long": 6.0989},
        {"city": "Paris", "lat": 48.864716, "long": 2.349014},

Next, create a table based on the schema:

from pyiceberg.catalog import load_catalog

catalog = load_catalog("default")

from pyiceberg.schema import Schema
from pyiceberg.types import NestedField, StringType, DoubleType

schema = Schema(
    NestedField(1, "city", StringType(), required=False),
    NestedField(2, "lat", DoubleType(), required=False),
    NestedField(3, "long", DoubleType(), required=False),

tbl = catalog.create_table("default.cities", schema=schema)

Now write the data to the table:

Fast append

PyIceberg default to the fast append to minimize the amount of data written. This enables quick writes, reducing the possibility of conflicts. The downside of the fast append is that it creates more metadata than a normal commit. Compaction is planned and will automatically rewrite all the metadata when a threshold is hit, to maintain performant reads.


# or


The data is written to the table, and when the table is read using tbl.scan().to_arrow():

city: string
lat: double
long: double
city: [["Amsterdam","San Francisco","Drachten","Paris"]]
lat: [[52.371807,37.773972,53.11254,48.864716]]
long: [[4.896029,-122.431297,6.0989,2.349014]]

You both can use append(df) or overwrite(df) since there is no data yet. If we want to add more data, we can use .append() again:

df = pa.Table.from_pylist(
    [{"city": "Groningen", "lat": 53.21917, "long": 6.56667}],


When reading the table tbl.scan().to_arrow() you can see that Groningen is now also part of the table:

city: string
lat: double
long: double
city: [["Amsterdam","San Francisco","Drachten","Paris"],["Groningen"]]
lat: [[52.371807,37.773972,53.11254,48.864716],[53.21917]]
long: [[4.896029,-122.431297,6.0989,2.349014],[6.56667]]

The nested lists indicate the different Arrow buffers, where the first write results into a buffer, and the second append in a separate buffer. This is expected since it will read two parquet files.

To avoid any type errors during writing, you can enforce the PyArrow table types using the Iceberg table schema:

from pyiceberg.catalog import load_catalog
import pyarrow as pa

catalog = load_catalog("default")
table = catalog.load_table("default.cities")
schema = table.schema().as_arrow()

df = pa.Table.from_pylist(
    [{"city": "Groningen", "lat": 53.21917, "long": 6.56667}], schema=schema


You can delete some of the data from the table by calling tbl.delete() with a desired delete_filter.

tbl.delete(delete_filter="city == 'Paris'")

In the above example, any records where the city field value equals to Paris will be deleted. Running tbl.scan().to_arrow() will now yield:

city: string
lat: double
long: double
city: [["Amsterdam","San Francisco","Drachten"],["Groningen"]]
lat: [[52.371807,37.773972,53.11254],[53.21917]]
long: [[4.896029,-122.431297,6.0989],[6.56667]]

Partial overwrites

When using the overwrite API, you can use an overwrite_filter to delete data that matches the filter before appending new data into the table.

For example, with an iceberg table created as:

from pyiceberg.catalog import load_catalog

catalog = load_catalog("default")

from pyiceberg.schema import Schema
from pyiceberg.types import NestedField, StringType, DoubleType

schema = Schema(
    NestedField(1, "city", StringType(), required=False),
    NestedField(2, "lat", DoubleType(), required=False),
    NestedField(3, "long", DoubleType(), required=False),

tbl = catalog.create_table("default.cities", schema=schema)

And with initial data populating the table:

import pyarrow as pa
df = pa.Table.from_pylist(
        {"city": "Amsterdam", "lat": 52.371807, "long": 4.896029},
        {"city": "San Francisco", "lat": 37.773972, "long": -122.431297},
        {"city": "Drachten", "lat": 53.11254, "long": 6.0989},
        {"city": "Paris", "lat": 48.864716, "long": 2.349014},

You can overwrite the record of Paris with a record of New York:

from pyiceberg.expressions import EqualTo
df = pa.Table.from_pylist(
        {"city": "New York", "lat": 40.7128, "long": 74.0060},
tbl.overwrite(df, overwrite_filter=EqualTo('city', "Paris"))

This produces the following result with tbl.scan().to_arrow():

city: large_string
lat: double
long: double
city: [["New York"],["Amsterdam","San Francisco","Drachten"]]
lat: [[40.7128],[52.371807,37.773972,53.11254]]
long: [[74.006],[4.896029,-122.431297,6.0989]]

If the PyIceberg table is partitioned, you can use tbl.dynamic_partition_overwrite(df) to replace the existing partitions with new ones provided in the dataframe. The partitions to be replaced are detected automatically from the provided arrow table. For example, with an iceberg table with a partition specified on "city" field:

from pyiceberg.schema import Schema
from pyiceberg.types import DoubleType, NestedField, StringType

schema = Schema(
    NestedField(1, "city", StringType(), required=False),
    NestedField(2, "lat", DoubleType(), required=False),
    NestedField(3, "long", DoubleType(), required=False),

tbl = catalog.create_table(
    partition_spec=PartitionSpec(PartitionField(source_id=1, field_id=1001, transform=IdentityTransform(), name="city_identity"))

And we want to overwrite the data for the partition of "Paris":

import pyarrow as pa

df = pa.Table.from_pylist(
        {"city": "Amsterdam", "lat": 52.371807, "long": 4.896029},
        {"city": "San Francisco", "lat": 37.773972, "long": -122.431297},
        {"city": "Drachten", "lat": 53.11254, "long": 6.0989},
        {"city": "Paris", "lat": -48.864716, "long": -2.349014},

Then we can call dynamic_partition_overwrite with this arrow table:

df_corrected = pa.Table.from_pylist([
    {"city": "Paris", "lat": 48.864716, "long": 2.349014}

This produces the following result with tbl.scan().to_arrow():

city: large_string
lat: double
long: double
city: [["Paris"],["Amsterdam"],["Drachten"],["San Francisco"]]
lat: [[48.864716],[52.371807],[53.11254],[37.773972]]
long: [[2.349014],[4.896029],[6.0989],[-122.431297]]


PyIceberg supports upsert operations, meaning that it is able to merge an Arrow table into an Iceberg table. Rows are considered the same based on the identifier field. If a row is already in the table, it will update that row. If a row cannot be found, it will insert that new row.

Consider the following table, with some data:

from pyiceberg.schema import Schema
from pyiceberg.types import IntegerType, NestedField, StringType

import pyarrow as pa

schema = Schema(
    NestedField(1, "city", StringType(), required=True),
    NestedField(2, "inhabitants", IntegerType(), required=True),
    # Mark City as the identifier field, also known as the primary-key

tbl = catalog.create_table("default.cities", schema=schema)

arrow_schema = pa.schema(
        pa.field("city", pa.string(), nullable=False),
        pa.field("inhabitants", pa.int32(), nullable=False),

# Write some data
df = pa.Table.from_pylist(
        {"city": "Amsterdam", "inhabitants": 921402},
        {"city": "San Francisco", "inhabitants": 808988},
        {"city": "Drachten", "inhabitants": 45019},
        {"city": "Paris", "inhabitants": 2103000},

Next, we'll upsert a table into the Iceberg table:

df = pa.Table.from_pylist(
        # Will be updated, the inhabitants has been updated
        {"city": "Drachten", "inhabitants": 45505},

        # New row, will be inserted
        {"city": "Berlin", "inhabitants": 3432000},

        # Ignored, already exists in the table
        {"city": "Paris", "inhabitants": 2103000},
upd = tbl.upsert(df)

assert upd.rows_updated == 1
assert upd.rows_inserted == 1

PyIceberg will automatically detect which rows need to be updated, inserted or can simply be ignored.

Inspecting tables

To explore the table metadata, tables can be inspected.

Time Travel

To inspect a tables's metadata with the time travel feature, call the inspect table method with the snapshot_id argument. Time travel is supported on all metadata tables except snapshots and refs.



Inspect the snapshots of the table:

committed_at: timestamp[ms] not null
snapshot_id: int64 not null
parent_id: int64
operation: string
manifest_list: string not null
summary: map<string, string>
  child 0, entries: struct<key: string not null, value: string> not null
      child 0, key: string not null
      child 1, value: string
committed_at: [[2024-03-15 15:01:25.682,2024-03-15 15:01:25.730,2024-03-15 15:01:25.772]]
snapshot_id: [[805611270568163028,3679426539959220963,5588071473139865870]]
parent_id: [[null,805611270568163028,3679426539959220963]]
operation: [["append","overwrite","append"]]
manifest_list: [["s3://warehouse/default/table_metadata_snapshots/metadata/snap-805611270568163028-0-43637daf-ea4b-4ceb-b096-a60c25481eb5.avro","s3://warehouse/default/table_metadata_snapshots/metadata/snap-3679426539959220963-0-8be81019-adf1-4bb6-a127-e15217bd50b3.avro","s3://warehouse/default/table_metadata_snapshots/metadata/snap-5588071473139865870-0-1382dd7e-5fbc-4c51-9776-a832d7d0984e.avro"]]
summary: [[keys:["added-files-size","added-data-files","added-records","total-data-files","total-delete-files","total-records","total-files-size","total-position-deletes","total-equality-deletes"]values:["5459","1","3","1","0","3","5459","0","0"],keys:["added-files-size","added-data-files","added-records","total-data-files","total-records",...,"total-equality-deletes","total-files-size","deleted-data-files","deleted-records","removed-files-size"]values:["5459","1","3","1","3",...,"0","5459","1","3","5459"],keys:["added-files-size","added-data-files","added-records","total-data-files","total-delete-files","total-records","total-files-size","total-position-deletes","total-equality-deletes"]values:["5459","1","3","2","0","6","10918","0","0"]]]


Inspect the partitions of the table:

partition: struct<dt_month: int32, dt_day: date32[day]> not null
  child 0, dt_month: int32
  child 1, dt_day: date32[day]
spec_id: int32 not null
record_count: int64 not null
file_count: int32 not null
total_data_file_size_in_bytes: int64 not null
position_delete_record_count: int64 not null
position_delete_file_count: int32 not null
equality_delete_record_count: int64 not null
equality_delete_file_count: int32 not null
last_updated_at: timestamp[ms]
last_updated_snapshot_id: int64
partition: [
  -- is_valid: all not null
  -- child 0 type: int32
  -- child 1 type: date32[day]
spec_id: [[2,1,0]]
record_count: [[1,1,2]]
file_count: [[1,1,2]]
total_data_file_size_in_bytes: [[641,641,1260]]
position_delete_record_count: [[0,0,0]]
position_delete_file_count: [[0,0,0]]
equality_delete_record_count: [[0,0,0]]
equality_delete_file_count: [[0,0,0]]
last_updated_at: [[2024-04-13 18:59:35.981,2024-04-13 18:59:35.465,2024-04-13 18:59:35.003]]


To show all the table's current manifest entries for both data and delete files.

status: int8 not null
snapshot_id: int64 not null
sequence_number: int64 not null
file_sequence_number: int64 not null
data_file: struct<content: int8 not null, file_path: string not null, file_format: string not null, partition: struct<> not null, record_count: int64 not null, file_size_in_bytes: int64 not null, column_sizes: map<int32, int64>, value_counts: map<int32, int64>, null_value_counts: map<int32, int64>, nan_value_counts: map<int32, int64>, lower_bounds: map<int32, binary>, upper_bounds: map<int32, binary>, key_metadata: binary, split_offsets: list<item: int64>, equality_ids: list<item: int32>, sort_order_id: int32> not null
  child 0, content: int8 not null
  child 1, file_path: string not null
  child 2, file_format: string not null
  child 3, partition: struct<> not null
  child 4, record_count: int64 not null
  child 5, file_size_in_bytes: int64 not null
  child 6, column_sizes: map<int32, int64>
      child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: int64> not null
          child 0, key: int32 not null
          child 1, value: int64
  child 7, value_counts: map<int32, int64>
      child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: int64> not null
          child 0, key: int32 not null
          child 1, value: int64
  child 8, null_value_counts: map<int32, int64>
      child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: int64> not null
          child 0, key: int32 not null
          child 1, value: int64
  child 9, nan_value_counts: map<int32, int64>
      child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: int64> not null
          child 0, key: int32 not null
          child 1, value: int64
  child 10, lower_bounds: map<int32, binary>
      child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: binary> not null
          child 0, key: int32 not null
          child 1, value: binary
  child 11, upper_bounds: map<int32, binary>
      child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: binary> not null
          child 0, key: int32 not null
          child 1, value: binary
  child 12, key_metadata: binary
  child 13, split_offsets: list<item: int64>
      child 0, item: int64
  child 14, equality_ids: list<item: int32>
      child 0, item: int32
  child 15, sort_order_id: int32
readable_metrics: struct<city: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: string, upper_bound: string> not null, lat: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double> not null, long: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double> not null>
  child 0, city: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: string, upper_bound: string> not null
      child 0, column_size: int64
      child 1, value_count: int64
      child 2, null_value_count: int64
      child 3, nan_value_count: int64
      child 4, lower_bound: string
      child 5, upper_bound: string
  child 1, lat: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double> not null
      child 0, column_size: int64
      child 1, value_count: int64
      child 2, null_value_count: int64
      child 3, nan_value_count: int64
      child 4, lower_bound: double
      child 5, upper_bound: double
  child 2, long: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double> not null
      child 0, column_size: int64
      child 1, value_count: int64
      child 2, null_value_count: int64
      child 3, nan_value_count: int64
      child 4, lower_bound: double
      child 5, upper_bound: double
status: [[1]]
snapshot_id: [[6245626162224016531]]
sequence_number: [[1]]
file_sequence_number: [[1]]
data_file: [
  -- is_valid: all not null
  -- child 0 type: int8
  -- child 1 type: string
  -- child 2 type: string
  -- child 3 type: struct<>
    -- is_valid: all not null
  -- child 4 type: int64
  -- child 5 type: int64
  -- child 6 type: map<int32, int64>
  -- child 7 type: map<int32, int64>
  -- child 8 type: map<int32, int64>
  -- child 9 type: map<int32, int64>
  -- child 10 type: map<int32, binary>
  -- child 11 type: map<int32, binary>
  -- child 12 type: binary
  -- child 13 type: list<item: int64>
  -- child 14 type: list<item: int32>
  -- child 15 type: int32
readable_metrics: [
  -- is_valid: all not null
  -- child 0 type: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: string, upper_bound: string>
    -- is_valid: all not null
    -- child 0 type: int64
    -- child 1 type: int64
    -- child 2 type: int64
    -- child 3 type: int64
    -- child 4 type: string
    -- child 5 type: string
["San Francisco"]
  -- child 1 type: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double>
    -- is_valid: all not null
    -- child 0 type: int64
    -- child 1 type: int64
    -- child 2 type: int64
    -- child 3 type: int64
    -- child 4 type: double
    -- child 5 type: double
  -- child 2 type: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double>
    -- is_valid: all not null
    -- child 0 type: int64
    -- child 1 type: int64
    -- child 2 type: int64
    -- child 3 type: int64
    -- child 4 type: double
    -- child 5 type: double


To show a table's known snapshot references:

name: string not null
type: string not null
snapshot_id: int64 not null
max_reference_age_in_ms: int64
min_snapshots_to_keep: int32
max_snapshot_age_in_ms: int64
name: [["main","testTag"]]
type: [["BRANCH","TAG"]]
snapshot_id: [[2278002651076891950,2278002651076891950]]
max_reference_age_in_ms: [[null,604800000]]
min_snapshots_to_keep: [[null,10]]
max_snapshot_age_in_ms: [[null,604800000]]


To show a table's current file manifests:

content: int8 not null
path: string not null
length: int64 not null
partition_spec_id: int32 not null
added_snapshot_id: int64 not null
added_data_files_count: int32 not null
existing_data_files_count: int32 not null
deleted_data_files_count: int32 not null
added_delete_files_count: int32 not null
existing_delete_files_count: int32 not null
deleted_delete_files_count: int32 not null
partition_summaries: list<item: struct<contains_null: bool not null, contains_nan: bool, lower_bound: string, upper_bound: string>> not null
  child 0, item: struct<contains_null: bool not null, contains_nan: bool, lower_bound: string, upper_bound: string>
      child 0, contains_null: bool not null
      child 1, contains_nan: bool
      child 2, lower_bound: string
      child 3, upper_bound: string
content: [[0]]
path: [["s3://warehouse/default/table_metadata_manifests/metadata/3bf5b4c6-a7a4-4b43-a6ce-ca2b4887945a-m0.avro"]]
length: [[6886]]
partition_spec_id: [[0]]
added_snapshot_id: [[3815834705531553721]]
added_data_files_count: [[1]]
existing_data_files_count: [[0]]
deleted_data_files_count: [[0]]
added_delete_files_count: [[0]]
existing_delete_files_count: [[0]]
deleted_delete_files_count: [[0]]
partition_summaries: [[    -- is_valid: all not null
    -- child 0 type: bool
    -- child 1 type: bool
    -- child 2 type: string
    -- child 3 type: string

Metadata Log Entries

To show table metadata log entries:

timestamp: timestamp[ms] not null
file: string not null
latest_snapshot_id: int64
latest_schema_id: int32
latest_sequence_number: int64
timestamp: [[2024-04-28 17:03:00.214,2024-04-28 17:03:00.352,2024-04-28 17:03:00.445,2024-04-28 17:03:00.498]]
file: [["s3://warehouse/default/table_metadata_log_entries/metadata/00000-0b3b643b-0f3a-4787-83ad-601ba57b7319.metadata.json","s3://warehouse/default/table_metadata_log_entries/metadata/00001-f74e4b2c-0f89-4f55-822d-23d099fd7d54.metadata.json","s3://warehouse/default/table_metadata_log_entries/metadata/00002-97e31507-e4d9-4438-aff1-3c0c5304d271.metadata.json","s3://warehouse/default/table_metadata_log_entries/metadata/00003-6c8b7033-6ad8-4fe4-b64d-d70381aeaddc.metadata.json"]]
latest_snapshot_id: [[null,3958871664825505738,1289234307021405706,7640277914614648349]]
latest_schema_id: [[null,0,0,0]]
latest_sequence_number: [[null,0,0,0]]


To show a table's history:

made_current_at: timestamp[ms] not null
snapshot_id: int64 not null
parent_id: int64
is_current_ancestor: bool not null
made_current_at: [[2024-06-18 16:17:48.768,2024-06-18 16:17:49.240,2024-06-18 16:17:49.343,2024-06-18 16:17:49.511]]
snapshot_id: [[4358109269873137077,3380769165026943338,4358109269873137077,3089420140651211776]]
parent_id: [[null,4358109269873137077,null,4358109269873137077]]
is_current_ancestor: [[true,false,true,true]]


Inspect the data files in the current snapshot of the table:

content: int8 not null
file_path: string not null
file_format: dictionary<values=string, indices=int32, ordered=0> not null
spec_id: int32 not null
record_count: int64 not null
file_size_in_bytes: int64 not null
column_sizes: map<int32, int64>
  child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: int64> not null
      child 0, key: int32 not null
      child 1, value: int64
value_counts: map<int32, int64>
  child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: int64> not null
      child 0, key: int32 not null
      child 1, value: int64
null_value_counts: map<int32, int64>
  child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: int64> not null
      child 0, key: int32 not null
      child 1, value: int64
nan_value_counts: map<int32, int64>
  child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: int64> not null
      child 0, key: int32 not null
      child 1, value: int64
lower_bounds: map<int32, binary>
  child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: binary> not null
      child 0, key: int32 not null
      child 1, value: binary
upper_bounds: map<int32, binary>
  child 0, entries: struct<key: int32 not null, value: binary> not null
      child 0, key: int32 not null
      child 1, value: binary
key_metadata: binary
split_offsets: list<item: int64>
  child 0, item: int64
equality_ids: list<item: int32>
  child 0, item: int32
sort_order_id: int32
readable_metrics: struct<city: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: large_string, upper_bound: large_string> not null, lat: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double> not null, long: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double> not null>
  child 0, city: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: string, upper_bound: string> not null
      child 0, column_size: int64
      child 1, value_count: int64
      child 2, null_value_count: int64
      child 3, nan_value_count: int64
      child 4, lower_bound: large_string
      child 5, upper_bound: large_string
  child 1, lat: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double> not null
      child 0, column_size: int64
      child 1, value_count: int64
      child 2, null_value_count: int64
      child 3, nan_value_count: int64
      child 4, lower_bound: double
      child 5, upper_bound: double
  child 2, long: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double> not null
      child 0, column_size: int64
      child 1, value_count: int64
      child 2, null_value_count: int64
      child 3, nan_value_count: int64
      child 4, lower_bound: double
      child 5, upper_bound: double
content: [[0,0]]
file_path: [["s3://warehouse/default/table_metadata_files/data/00000-0-9ea7d222-6457-467f-bad5-6fb125c9aa5f.parquet","s3://warehouse/default/table_metadata_files/data/00000-0-afa8893c-de71-4710-97c9-6b01590d0c44.parquet"]]
file_format: [["PARQUET","PARQUET"]]
spec_id: [[0,0]]
record_count: [[3,3]]
file_size_in_bytes: [[5459,5459]]
column_sizes: [[keys:[1,2,3,4,5,...,8,9,10,11,12]values:[49,78,128,94,118,...,118,118,94,78,109],keys:[1,2,3,4,5,...,8,9,10,11,12]values:[49,78,128,94,118,...,118,118,94,78,109]]]
value_counts: [[keys:[1,2,3,4,5,...,8,9,10,11,12]values:[3,3,3,3,3,...,3,3,3,3,3],keys:[1,2,3,4,5,...,8,9,10,11,12]values:[3,3,3,3,3,...,3,3,3,3,3]]]
null_value_counts: [[keys:[1,2,3,4,5,...,8,9,10,11,12]values:[1,1,1,1,1,...,1,1,1,1,1],keys:[1,2,3,4,5,...,8,9,10,11,12]values:[1,1,1,1,1,...,1,1,1,1,1]]]
nan_value_counts: [[keys:[]values:[],keys:[]values:[]]]
lower_bounds: [[keys:[1,2,3,4,5,...,8,9,10,11,12]values:[00,61,61616161616161616161616161616161,01000000,0100000000000000,...,009B6ACA38F10500,009B6ACA38F10500,9E4B0000,01,00000000000000000000000000000000],keys:[1,2,3,4,5,...,8,9,10,11,12]values:[00,61,61616161616161616161616161616161,01000000,0100000000000000,...,009B6ACA38F10500,009B6ACA38F10500,9E4B0000,01,00000000000000000000000000000000]]]
key_metadata: [[0100,0100]]
readable_metrics: [
  -- is_valid: all not null
  -- child 0 type: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: large_string, upper_bound: large_string>
    -- is_valid: all not null
    -- child 0 type: int64
    -- child 1 type: int64
    -- child 2 type: int64
    -- child 3 type: int64
    -- child 4 type: large_string
    -- child 5 type: large_string
["San Francisco"]
  -- child 1 type: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double>
    -- is_valid: all not null
    -- child 0 type: int64
    -- child 1 type: int64
    -- child 2 type: int64
    -- child 3 type: int64
    -- child 4 type: double
    -- child 5 type: double
  -- child 2 type: struct<column_size: int64, value_count: int64, null_value_count: int64, nan_value_count: int64, lower_bound: double, upper_bound: double>
    -- is_valid: all not null
    -- child 0 type: int64
    -- child 1 type: int64
    -- child 2 type: int64
    -- child 3 type: int64
    -- child 4 type: double
    -- child 5 type: double


Content refers to type of content stored by the data file: 0 - Data, 1 - Position Deletes, 2 - Equality Deletes

To show only data files or delete files in the current snapshot, use table.inspect.data_files() and table.inspect.delete_files() respectively.

Add Files

Expert Iceberg users may choose to commit existing parquet files to the Iceberg table as data files, without rewriting them.

# Given that these parquet files have schema consistent with the Iceberg table

file_paths = [

# They can be added to the table without rewriting them


# A new snapshot is committed to the table with manifests pointing to the existing parquet files

Name Mapping

Because add_files uses existing files without writing new parquet files that are aware of the Iceberg's schema, it requires the Iceberg's table to have a Name Mapping (The Name mapping maps the field names within the parquet files to the Iceberg field IDs). Hence, add_files requires that there are no field IDs in the parquet file's metadata, and creates a new Name Mapping based on the table's current schema if the table doesn't already have one.


add_files only requires the client to read the existing parquet files' metadata footer to infer the partition value of each file. This implementation also supports adding files to Iceberg tables with partition transforms like MonthTransform, and TruncateTransform which preserve the order of the values after the transformation (Any Transform that has the preserves_order property set to True is supported). Please note that if the column statistics of the PartitionField's source column are not present in the parquet metadata, the partition value is inferred as None.

Maintenance Operations

Because add_files commits the existing parquet files to the Iceberg Table as any other data file, destructive maintenance operations like expiring snapshots will remove them.

Schema evolution

PyIceberg supports full schema evolution through the Python API. It takes care of setting the field-IDs and makes sure that only non-breaking changes are done (can be overridden).

In the examples below, the .update_schema() is called from the table itself.

with table.update_schema() as update:
    update.add_column("some_field", IntegerType(), "doc")

You can also initiate a transaction if you want to make more changes than just evolving the schema:

with table.transaction() as transaction:
    with transaction.update_schema() as update_schema:
        update.add_column("some_other_field", IntegerType(), "doc")
    # ... Update properties etc

Union by Name

Using .union_by_name() you can merge another schema into an existing schema without having to worry about field-IDs:

from pyiceberg.catalog import load_catalog
from pyiceberg.schema import Schema
from pyiceberg.types import NestedField, StringType, DoubleType, LongType

catalog = load_catalog()

schema = Schema(
    NestedField(1, "city", StringType(), required=False),
    NestedField(2, "lat", DoubleType(), required=False),
    NestedField(3, "long", DoubleType(), required=False),

table = catalog.create_table("default.locations", schema)

new_schema = Schema(
    NestedField(1, "city", StringType(), required=False),
    NestedField(2, "lat", DoubleType(), required=False),
    NestedField(3, "long", DoubleType(), required=False),
    NestedField(10, "population", LongType(), required=False),

with table.update_schema() as update:

Now the table has the union of the two schemas print(table.schema()):

table {
  1: city: optional string
  2: lat: optional double
  3: long: optional double
  4: population: optional long

Add column

Using add_column you can add a column, without having to worry about the field-id:

with table.update_schema() as update:
    update.add_column("retries", IntegerType(), "Number of retries to place the bid")
    # In a struct
    update.add_column("details", StructType())

with table.update_schema() as update:
    update.add_column(("details", "confirmed_by"), StringType(), "Name of the exchange")

A complex type must exist before columns can be added to it. Fields in complex types are added in a tuple.

Rename column

Renaming a field in an Iceberg table is simple:

with table.update_schema() as update:
    update.rename_column("retries", "num_retries")
    # This will rename `confirmed_by` to `processed_by` in the `details` struct
    update.rename_column(("details", "confirmed_by"), "processed_by")

Move column

Move order of fields:

with table.update_schema() as update:
    # This will move `bid` after `ask`
    update.move_after("bid", "ask")
    # This will move `confirmed_by` before `exchange` in the `details` struct
    update.move_before(("details", "confirmed_by"), ("details", "exchange"))

Update column

Update a fields' type, description or required.

with table.update_schema() as update:
    # Promote a float to a double
    update.update_column("bid", field_type=DoubleType())
    # Make a field optional
    update.update_column("symbol", required=False)
    # Update the documentation
    update.update_column("symbol", doc="Name of the share on the exchange")

Be careful, some operations are not compatible, but can still be done at your own risk by setting allow_incompatible_changes:

with table.update_schema(allow_incompatible_changes=True) as update:
    # Incompatible change, cannot require an optional field
    update.update_column("symbol", required=True)

Delete column

Delete a field, careful this is a incompatible change (readers/writers might expect this field):

with table.update_schema(allow_incompatible_changes=True) as update:
    # In a struct
    update.delete_column(("details", "confirmed_by"))

Partition evolution

PyIceberg supports partition evolution. See the partition evolution for more details.

The API to use when evolving partitions is the update_spec API on the table.

with table.update_spec() as update:
    update.add_field("id", BucketTransform(16), "bucketed_id")
    update.add_field("event_ts", DayTransform(), "day_ts")

Updating the partition spec can also be done as part of a transaction with other operations.

with table.transaction() as transaction:
    with transaction.update_spec() as update_spec:
        update_spec.add_field("id", BucketTransform(16), "bucketed_id")
        update_spec.add_field("event_ts", DayTransform(), "day_ts")
    # ... Update properties etc

Add fields

New partition fields can be added via the add_field API which takes in the field name to partition on, the partition transform, and an optional partition name. If the partition name is not specified, one will be created.

with table.update_spec() as update:
    update.add_field("id", BucketTransform(16), "bucketed_id")
    update.add_field("event_ts", DayTransform(), "day_ts")
    # identity is a shortcut API for adding an IdentityTransform

Remove fields

Partition fields can also be removed via the remove_field API if it no longer makes sense to partition on those fields.

with table.update_spec() as update:
    # Remove the partition field with the name

Rename fields

Partition fields can also be renamed via the rename_field API.

with table.update_spec() as update:
    # Rename the partition field with the name bucketed_id to sharded_id
    update.rename_field("bucketed_id", "sharded_id")

Table properties

Set and remove properties through the Transaction API:

with table.transaction() as transaction:

assert == {"abc": "def"}

with table.transaction() as transaction:

assert == {}

Or, without context manager:

table = table.transaction().set_properties(abc="def").commit_transaction()

assert == {"abc": "def"}

table = table.transaction().remove_properties("abc").commit_transaction()

assert == {}

Snapshot properties

Optionally, Snapshot properties can be set while writing to a table using append or overwrite API:

tbl.append(df, snapshot_properties={"abc": "def"})

# or

tbl.overwrite(df, snapshot_properties={"abc": "def"})

assert tbl.metadata.snapshots[-1].summary["abc"] == "def"

Snapshot Management

Manage snapshots with operations through the Table API:

# To run a specific operation
table.manage_snapshots().create_tag(snapshot_id, "tag123").commit()
# To run multiple operations
    .create_tag(snapshot_id1, "tag123")
    .create_tag(snapshot_id2, "tag456")
# Operations are applied on commit.

You can also use context managers to make more changes:

with table.manage_snapshots() as ms:
    ms.create_branch(snapshot_id1, "Branch_A").create_tag(snapshot_id2, "tag789")


PyIceberg supports view operations.

Check if a view exists

from pyiceberg.catalog import load_catalog

catalog = load_catalog("default")

Table Statistics Management

Manage table statistics with operations through the Table API:

# To run a specific operation
# To run multiple operations
# Operations are applied on commit.

You can also use context managers to make more changes:

with table.update_statistics() as update:

Query the data

To query a table, a table scan is needed. A table scan accepts a filter, columns, optionally a limit and a snapshot ID:

from pyiceberg.catalog import load_catalog
from pyiceberg.expressions import GreaterThanOrEqual

catalog = load_catalog("default")
table = catalog.load_table("nyc.taxis")

scan = table.scan(
    row_filter=GreaterThanOrEqual("trip_distance", 10.0),
    selected_fields=("VendorID", "tpep_pickup_datetime", "tpep_dropoff_datetime"),

# Or filter using a string predicate
scan = table.scan(
    row_filter="trip_distance > 10.0",

[task.file.file_path for task in scan.plan_files()]

The low level API plan_files methods returns a set of tasks that provide the files that might contain matching rows:


In this case it is up to the engine itself to filter the file itself. Below, to_arrow() and to_duckdb() that already do this for you.

Apache Arrow


This requires pyarrow to be installed.

Using PyIceberg it is filter out data from a huge table and pull it into a PyArrow table:

    row_filter=GreaterThanOrEqual("trip_distance", 10.0),
    selected_fields=("VendorID", "tpep_pickup_datetime", "tpep_dropoff_datetime"),

This will return a PyArrow table:

VendorID: int64
tpep_pickup_datetime: timestamp[us, tz=+00:00]
tpep_dropoff_datetime: timestamp[us, tz=+00:00]
VendorID: [[2,1,2,1,1,...,2,2,2,2,2],[2,1,1,1,2,...,1,1,2,1,2],...,[2,2,2,2,2,...,2,6,6,2,2],[2,2,2,2,2,...,2,2,2,2,2]]
tpep_pickup_datetime: [[2021-04-01 00:28:05.000000,...,2021-04-30 23:44:25.000000]]
tpep_dropoff_datetime: [[2021-04-01 00:47:59.000000,...,2021-05-01 00:14:47.000000]]

This will only pull in the files that that might contain matching rows.

One can also return a PyArrow RecordBatchReader, if reading one record batch at a time is preferred:

    row_filter=GreaterThanOrEqual("trip_distance", 10.0),
    selected_fields=("VendorID", "tpep_pickup_datetime", "tpep_dropoff_datetime"),



This requires pandas to be installed.

PyIceberg makes it easy to filter out data from a huge table and pull it into a Pandas dataframe locally. This will only fetch the relevant Parquet files for the query and apply the filter. This will reduce IO and therefore improve performance and reduce cost.

    row_filter="trip_distance >= 10.0",
    selected_fields=("VendorID", "tpep_pickup_datetime", "tpep_dropoff_datetime"),

This will return a Pandas dataframe:

        VendorID      tpep_pickup_datetime     tpep_dropoff_datetime
0              2 2021-04-01 00:28:05+00:00 2021-04-01 00:47:59+00:00
1              1 2021-04-01 00:39:01+00:00 2021-04-01 00:57:39+00:00
2              2 2021-04-01 00:14:42+00:00 2021-04-01 00:42:59+00:00
3              1 2021-04-01 00:17:17+00:00 2021-04-01 00:43:38+00:00
4              1 2021-04-01 00:24:04+00:00 2021-04-01 00:56:20+00:00
...          ...                       ...                       ...
116976         2 2021-04-30 23:56:18+00:00 2021-05-01 00:29:13+00:00
116977         2 2021-04-30 23:07:41+00:00 2021-04-30 23:37:18+00:00
116978         2 2021-04-30 23:38:28+00:00 2021-05-01 00:12:04+00:00
116979         2 2021-04-30 23:33:00+00:00 2021-04-30 23:59:00+00:00
116980         2 2021-04-30 23:44:25+00:00 2021-05-01 00:14:47+00:00

[116981 rows x 3 columns]

It is recommended to use Pandas 2 or later, because it stores the data in an Apache Arrow backend which avoids copies of data.



This requires DuckDB to be installed.

A table scan can also be converted into a in-memory DuckDB table:

con = table.scan(
    row_filter=GreaterThanOrEqual("trip_distance", 10.0),
    selected_fields=("VendorID", "tpep_pickup_datetime", "tpep_dropoff_datetime"),

Using the cursor that we can run queries on the DuckDB table:

        "SELECT tpep_dropoff_datetime - tpep_pickup_datetime AS duration FROM distant_taxi_trips LIMIT 4"



This requires Ray to be installed.

A table scan can also be converted into a Ray dataset:

ray_dataset = table.scan(
    row_filter=GreaterThanOrEqual("trip_distance", 10.0),
    selected_fields=("VendorID", "tpep_pickup_datetime", "tpep_dropoff_datetime"),

This will return a Ray dataset:

        VendorID: int64,
        tpep_pickup_datetime: timestamp[us, tz=UTC],
        tpep_dropoff_datetime: timestamp[us, tz=UTC]

Using Ray Dataset API to interact with the dataset:

        "VendorID": 2,
        "tpep_pickup_datetime": datetime.datetime(2008, 12, 31, 23, 23, 50),
        "tpep_dropoff_datetime": datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 34, 31),
        "VendorID": 2,
        "tpep_pickup_datetime": datetime.datetime(2008, 12, 31, 23, 5, 3),
        "tpep_dropoff_datetime": datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 16, 10, 18),


PyIceberg interfaces closely with Daft Dataframes (see also: Daft integration with Iceberg) which provides a full lazily optimized query engine interface on top of PyIceberg tables.


This requires Daft to be installed.

A table can be read easily into a Daft Dataframe:

df = table.to_daft()  # equivalent to `daft.read_iceberg(table)`
df = df.where(df["trip_distance"] >= 10.0)
df ="VendorID", "tpep_pickup_datetime", "tpep_dropoff_datetime")

This returns a Daft Dataframe which is lazily materialized. Printing df will display the schema:

 VendorID  tpep_pickup_datetime           tpep_dropoff_datetime         
 ---       ---                            ---                           
 Int64     Timestamp(Microseconds, None)  Timestamp(Microseconds, None) 

(No data to display: Dataframe not materialized)

We can execute the Dataframe to preview the first few rows of the query with

This is correctly optimized to take advantage of Iceberg features such as hidden partitioning and file-level statistics for efficient reads.
 VendorID  tpep_pickup_datetime           tpep_dropoff_datetime         
 ---       ---                            ---                           
 Int64     Timestamp(Microseconds, None)  Timestamp(Microseconds, None) 
 2         2008-12-31T23:23:50.000000     2009-01-01T00:34:31.000000    
 2         2008-12-31T23:05:03.000000     2009-01-01T16:10:18.000000    

(Showing first 2 rows)


PyIceberg interfaces closely with Polars Dataframes and LazyFrame which provides a full lazily optimized query engine interface on top of PyIceberg tables.


This requires polars to be installed.

pip install pyiceberg['polars']

PyIceberg data can be analyzed and accessed through Polars using either DataFrame or LazyFrame. If your code utilizes the Apache Iceberg data scanning and retrieval API and then analyzes the resulting DataFrame in Polars, use the table.scan().to_polars() API. If the intent is to utilize Polars' high-performance filtering and retrieval functionalities, use LazyFrame exported from the Iceberg table with the table.to_polars() API.

# Get LazyFrame

# Get Data Frame

Working with Polars DataFrame

PyIceberg makes it easy to filter out data from a huge table and pull it into a Polars dataframe locally. This will only fetch the relevant Parquet files for the query and apply the filter. This will reduce IO and therefore improve performance and reduce cost.

schema = Schema(
    NestedField(field_id=1, name='ticket_id', field_type=LongType(), required=True),
    NestedField(field_id=2, name='customer_id', field_type=LongType(), required=True),
    NestedField(field_id=3, name='issue', field_type=StringType(), required=False),
    NestedField(field_id=4, name='created_at', field_type=TimestampType(), required=True),

iceberg_table = catalog.create_table(

pa_table_data = pa.Table.from_pylist(
        {'ticket_id': 1, 'customer_id': 546, 'issue': 'User Login issue', 'created_at': 1650020000000000},
        {'ticket_id': 2, 'customer_id': 547, 'issue': 'Payment not going through', 'created_at': 1650028640000000},
        {'ticket_id': 3, 'customer_id': 548, 'issue': 'Error on checkout', 'created_at': 1650037280000000},
        {'ticket_id': 4, 'customer_id': 549, 'issue': 'Unable to reset password', 'created_at': 1650045920000000},
        {'ticket_id': 5, 'customer_id': 550, 'issue': 'Account locked', 'created_at': 1650054560000000},
        {'ticket_id': 6, 'customer_id': 551, 'issue': 'Order not received', 'created_at': 1650063200000000},
        {'ticket_id': 7, 'customer_id': 552, 'issue': 'Refund not processed', 'created_at': 1650071840000000},
        {'ticket_id': 8, 'customer_id': 553, 'issue': 'Shipping address issue', 'created_at': 1650080480000000},
        {'ticket_id': 9, 'customer_id': 554, 'issue': 'Product damaged', 'created_at': 1650089120000000},
        {'ticket_id': 10, 'customer_id': 555, 'issue': 'Unable to apply discount code', 'created_at': 1650097760000000},
        {'ticket_id': 11, 'customer_id': 556, 'issue': 'Website not loading', 'created_at': 1650106400000000},
        {'ticket_id': 12, 'customer_id': 557, 'issue': 'Incorrect order received', 'created_at': 1650115040000000},
        {'ticket_id': 13, 'customer_id': 558, 'issue': 'Unable to track order', 'created_at': 1650123680000000},
        {'ticket_id': 14, 'customer_id': 559, 'issue': 'Order delayed', 'created_at': 1650132320000000},
        {'ticket_id': 15, 'customer_id': 560, 'issue': 'Product not as described', 'created_at': 1650140960000000},
        {'ticket_id': 16, 'customer_id': 561, 'issue': 'Unable to contact support', 'created_at': 1650149600000000},
        {'ticket_id': 17, 'customer_id': 562, 'issue': 'Duplicate charge', 'created_at': 1650158240000000},
        {'ticket_id': 18, 'customer_id': 563, 'issue': 'Unable to update profile', 'created_at': 1650166880000000},
        {'ticket_id': 19, 'customer_id': 564, 'issue': 'App crashing', 'created_at': 1650175520000000},
        {'ticket_id': 20, 'customer_id': 565, 'issue': 'Unable to download invoice', 'created_at': 1650184160000000},
        {'ticket_id': 21, 'customer_id': 566, 'issue': 'Incorrect billing amount', 'created_at': 1650192800000000},
    ], schema=iceberg_table.schema().as_arrow()


    row_filter="ticket_id > 10",

This will return a Polars DataFrame:

shape: (11, 4)
 ticket_id  customer_id  issue                       created_at          
 ---        ---          ---                         ---                 
 i64        i64          str                         datetime[μs]        
 11         556          Website not loading         2022-04-16 10:53:20 
 12         557          Incorrect order received    2022-04-16 13:17:20 
 13         558          Unable to track order       2022-04-16 15:41:20 
 14         559          Order delayed               2022-04-16 18:05:20 
 15         560          Product not as described    2022-04-16 20:29:20 
 17         562          Duplicate charge            2022-04-17 01:17:20 
 18         563          Unable to update profile    2022-04-17 03:41:20 
 19         564          App crashing                2022-04-17 06:05:20 
 20         565          Unable to download invoice  2022-04-17 08:29:20 
 21         566          Incorrect billing amount    2022-04-17 10:53:20 

Working with Polars LazyFrame

PyIceberg supports creation of a Polars LazyFrame based on an Iceberg Table.

using the above code example:

lf = iceberg_table.to_polars().filter(pl.col("ticket_id") > 10)

This above code snippet returns a Polars LazyFrame and defines a filter to be executed by Polars:

shape: (11, 4)
 ticket_id  customer_id  issue                       created_at          
 ---        ---          ---                         ---                 
 i64        i64          str                         datetime[μs]        
 11         556          Website not loading         2022-04-16 10:53:20 
 12         557          Incorrect order received    2022-04-16 13:17:20 
 13         558          Unable to track order       2022-04-16 15:41:20 
 14         559          Order delayed               2022-04-16 18:05:20 
 15         560          Product not as described    2022-04-16 20:29:20 
 17         562          Duplicate charge            2022-04-17 01:17:20 
 18         563          Unable to update profile    2022-04-17 03:41:20 
 19         564          App crashing                2022-04-17 06:05:20 
 20         565          Unable to download invoice  2022-04-17 08:29:20 
 21         566          Incorrect billing amount    2022-04-17 10:53:20 