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Concurrency concepts that support efficient multi-threading.


Source code in pyiceberg/utils/
class ExecutorFactory:
    _instance: Optional[Executor] = None

    def get_or_create() -> Executor:
        """Return the same executor in each call."""
        if ExecutorFactory._instance is None:
            max_workers = ExecutorFactory.max_workers()
            ExecutorFactory._instance = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers)

        return ExecutorFactory._instance

    def max_workers() -> Optional[int]:
        """Return the max number of workers configured."""
        return Config().get_int("max-workers")

get_or_create() staticmethod

Return the same executor in each call.

Source code in pyiceberg/utils/
def get_or_create() -> Executor:
    """Return the same executor in each call."""
    if ExecutorFactory._instance is None:
        max_workers = ExecutorFactory.max_workers()
        ExecutorFactory._instance = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers)

    return ExecutorFactory._instance

max_workers() staticmethod

Return the max number of workers configured.

Source code in pyiceberg/utils/
def max_workers() -> Optional[int]:
    """Return the max number of workers configured."""
    return Config().get_int("max-workers")