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Bases: ValidatableTableRequirement

The table must not already exist; used for create transactions.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
class AssertCreate(ValidatableTableRequirement):
    """The table must not already exist; used for create transactions."""

    type: Literal["assert-create"] = Field(default="assert-create")

    def validate(self, base_metadata: Optional[TableMetadata]) -> None:
        if base_metadata is not None:
            raise CommitFailedException("Table already exists")


Bases: ValidatableTableRequirement

The table's current schema id must match the requirement's current-schema-id.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
class AssertCurrentSchemaId(ValidatableTableRequirement):
    """The table's current schema id must match the requirement's `current-schema-id`."""

    type: Literal["assert-current-schema-id"] = Field(default="assert-current-schema-id")
    current_schema_id: int = Field(..., alias="current-schema-id")

    def validate(self, base_metadata: Optional[TableMetadata]) -> None:
        if base_metadata is None:
            raise CommitFailedException("Requirement failed: current table metadata is missing")
        elif self.current_schema_id != base_metadata.current_schema_id:
            raise CommitFailedException(
                f"Requirement failed: current schema id has changed: expected {self.current_schema_id}, found {base_metadata.current_schema_id}"


Bases: ValidatableTableRequirement

The table's default sort order id must match the requirement's default-sort-order-id.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
class AssertDefaultSortOrderId(ValidatableTableRequirement):
    """The table's default sort order id must match the requirement's `default-sort-order-id`."""

    type: Literal["assert-default-sort-order-id"] = Field(default="assert-default-sort-order-id")
    default_sort_order_id: int = Field(..., alias="default-sort-order-id")

    def validate(self, base_metadata: Optional[TableMetadata]) -> None:
        if base_metadata is None:
            raise CommitFailedException("Requirement failed: current table metadata is missing")
        elif self.default_sort_order_id != base_metadata.default_sort_order_id:
            raise CommitFailedException(
                f"Requirement failed: default sort order id has changed: expected {self.default_sort_order_id}, found {base_metadata.default_sort_order_id}"


Bases: ValidatableTableRequirement

The table's default spec id must match the requirement's default-spec-id.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
class AssertDefaultSpecId(ValidatableTableRequirement):
    """The table's default spec id must match the requirement's `default-spec-id`."""

    type: Literal["assert-default-spec-id"] = Field(default="assert-default-spec-id")
    default_spec_id: int = Field(..., alias="default-spec-id")

    def validate(self, base_metadata: Optional[TableMetadata]) -> None:
        if base_metadata is None:
            raise CommitFailedException("Requirement failed: current table metadata is missing")
        elif self.default_spec_id != base_metadata.default_spec_id:
            raise CommitFailedException(
                f"Requirement failed: default spec id has changed: expected {self.default_spec_id}, found {base_metadata.default_spec_id}"


Bases: ValidatableTableRequirement

The table's last assigned column id must match the requirement's last-assigned-field-id.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
class AssertLastAssignedFieldId(ValidatableTableRequirement):
    """The table's last assigned column id must match the requirement's `last-assigned-field-id`."""

    type: Literal["assert-last-assigned-field-id"] = Field(default="assert-last-assigned-field-id")
    last_assigned_field_id: int = Field(..., alias="last-assigned-field-id")

    def validate(self, base_metadata: Optional[TableMetadata]) -> None:
        if base_metadata is None:
            raise CommitFailedException("Requirement failed: current table metadata is missing")
        elif base_metadata.last_column_id != self.last_assigned_field_id:
            raise CommitFailedException(
                f"Requirement failed: last assigned field id has changed: expected {self.last_assigned_field_id}, found {base_metadata.last_column_id}"


Bases: ValidatableTableRequirement

The table's last assigned partition id must match the requirement's last-assigned-partition-id.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
class AssertLastAssignedPartitionId(ValidatableTableRequirement):
    """The table's last assigned partition id must match the requirement's `last-assigned-partition-id`."""

    type: Literal["assert-last-assigned-partition-id"] = Field(default="assert-last-assigned-partition-id")
    last_assigned_partition_id: Optional[int] = Field(..., alias="last-assigned-partition-id")

    def validate(self, base_metadata: Optional[TableMetadata]) -> None:
        if base_metadata is None:
            raise CommitFailedException("Requirement failed: current table metadata is missing")
        elif base_metadata.last_partition_id != self.last_assigned_partition_id:
            raise CommitFailedException(
                f"Requirement failed: last assigned partition id has changed: expected {self.last_assigned_partition_id}, found {base_metadata.last_partition_id}"


Bases: ValidatableTableRequirement

The table branch or tag identified by the requirement's ref must reference the requirement's snapshot-id.

if snapshot-id is null or missing, the ref must not already exist.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
class AssertRefSnapshotId(ValidatableTableRequirement):
    """The table branch or tag identified by the requirement's `ref` must reference the requirement's `snapshot-id`.

    if `snapshot-id` is `null` or missing, the ref must not already exist.

    type: Literal["assert-ref-snapshot-id"] = Field(default="assert-ref-snapshot-id")
    ref: str = Field(...)
    snapshot_id: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, alias="snapshot-id")

    def validate(self, base_metadata: Optional[TableMetadata]) -> None:
        if base_metadata is None:
            raise CommitFailedException("Requirement failed: current table metadata is missing")
        elif snapshot_ref := base_metadata.refs.get(self.ref):
            ref_type = snapshot_ref.snapshot_ref_type
            if self.snapshot_id is None:
                raise CommitFailedException(f"Requirement failed: {ref_type} {self.ref} was created concurrently")
            elif self.snapshot_id != snapshot_ref.snapshot_id:
                raise CommitFailedException(
                    f"Requirement failed: {ref_type} {self.ref} has changed: expected id {self.snapshot_id}, found {snapshot_ref.snapshot_id}"
        elif self.snapshot_id is not None:
            raise CommitFailedException(f"Requirement failed: branch or tag {self.ref} is missing, expected {self.snapshot_id}")


Bases: ValidatableTableRequirement

The table UUID must match the requirement's uuid.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
class AssertTableUUID(ValidatableTableRequirement):
    """The table UUID must match the requirement's `uuid`."""

    type: Literal["assert-table-uuid"] = Field(default="assert-table-uuid")
    uuid: uuid.UUID

    def validate(self, base_metadata: Optional[TableMetadata]) -> None:
        if base_metadata is None:
            raise CommitFailedException("Requirement failed: current table metadata is missing")
        elif self.uuid != base_metadata.table_uuid:
            raise CommitFailedException(f"Table UUID does not match: {self.uuid} != {base_metadata.table_uuid}")


Bases: ABC, Generic[U]

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
class UpdateTableMetadata(ABC, Generic[U]):
    _transaction: Transaction

    def __init__(self, transaction: Transaction) -> None:
        self._transaction = transaction

    def _commit(self) -> UpdatesAndRequirements: ...

    def commit(self) -> None:

    def __exit__(self, _: Any, value: Any, traceback: Any) -> None:
        """Close and commit the change."""

    def __enter__(self) -> U:
        """Update the table."""
        return self  # type: ignore


Update the table.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
def __enter__(self) -> U:
    """Update the table."""
    return self  # type: ignore

__exit__(_, value, traceback)

Close and commit the change.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
def __exit__(self, _: Any, value: Any, traceback: Any) -> None:
    """Close and commit the change."""


Bases: IcebergBaseModel

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
class ValidatableTableRequirement(IcebergBaseModel):
    type: str

    def validate(self, base_metadata: Optional[TableMetadata]) -> None:
        """Validate the requirement against the base metadata.

            base_metadata: The base metadata to be validated against.

            CommitFailedException: When the requirement is not met.

validate(base_metadata) abstractmethod

Validate the requirement against the base metadata.


Name Type Description Default
base_metadata Optional[TableMetadata]

The base metadata to be validated against.



Type Description

When the requirement is not met.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
def validate(self, base_metadata: Optional[TableMetadata]) -> None:
    """Validate the requirement against the base metadata.

        base_metadata: The base metadata to be validated against.

        CommitFailedException: When the requirement is not met.

_apply_table_update(update, base_metadata, context)

Apply a table update to the table metadata.


Name Type Description Default
update TableUpdate

The update to be applied.

base_metadata TableMetadata

The base metadata to be updated.

context _TableMetadataUpdateContext

Contains previous updates and other change tracking information in the current transaction.



Type Description

The updated metadata.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
def _apply_table_update(update: TableUpdate, base_metadata: TableMetadata, context: _TableMetadataUpdateContext) -> TableMetadata:
    """Apply a table update to the table metadata.

        update: The update to be applied.
        base_metadata: The base metadata to be updated.
        context: Contains previous updates and other change tracking information in the current transaction.

        The updated metadata.

    raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported table update: {update}")

update_table_metadata(base_metadata, updates, enforce_validation=False, metadata_location=None)

Update the table metadata with the given updates in one transaction.


Name Type Description Default
base_metadata TableMetadata

The base metadata to be updated.

updates Tuple[TableUpdate, ...]

The updates in one transaction.

enforce_validation bool

Whether to trigger validation after applying the updates.

metadata_location Optional[str]

Current metadata location of the table



Type Description

The metadata with the updates applied.

Source code in pyiceberg/table/update/
def update_table_metadata(
    base_metadata: TableMetadata,
    updates: Tuple[TableUpdate, ...],
    enforce_validation: bool = False,
    metadata_location: Optional[str] = None,
) -> TableMetadata:
    """Update the table metadata with the given updates in one transaction.

        base_metadata: The base metadata to be updated.
        updates: The updates in one transaction.
        enforce_validation: Whether to trigger validation after applying the updates.
        metadata_location: Current metadata location of the table

        The metadata with the updates applied.
    context = _TableMetadataUpdateContext()
    new_metadata = base_metadata

    for update in updates:
        new_metadata = _apply_table_update(update, new_metadata, context)

    # Update last_updated_ms if it was not updated by update operations
    if context.has_changes():
        if metadata_location:
            new_metadata = _update_table_metadata_log(new_metadata, metadata_location, base_metadata.last_updated_ms)
        if base_metadata.last_updated_ms == new_metadata.last_updated_ms:
            new_metadata = new_metadata.model_copy(update={"last_updated_ms": datetime_to_millis(})

    if enforce_validation:
        return TableMetadataUtil.parse_obj(new_metadata.model_dump())
        return new_metadata.model_copy(deep=True)